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Get it Out! Healing Anger – A online video Course in Emotional Release

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

Get it Out! – Healing Anger & Powerful Emotion:

A Course in Emotional Release

Women, and non-binary beings tapping into their inner shadow, the unseen, and releasing.

Explore what's standing in the way of your light and love.

This 5- week online course will take you deeper, into creating a toolkit that you can integrate into your regular life to help you embrace that part of yourself, and allow everything to hang out. In order to recognize it, and release it. So you can be you, authentically.

Release. Emotion. Stillness. Centered. Womb. Core. Express. Truth. Raw. Transform.

We are wild, passionate, stormy beings. But most of us have been brought up to not express ourselves fully, silencing what we experience as negative emotions, especially concerning anger. It leaves us feeling misunderstood, drained and stuck when we don’t express our emotions fully. Or when we put on a mask or show hurt, when the core emotion we feel is anger.

Suppressed emotions lock our energy up in unhealthy ways. Releasing fear, anger, sadness, bitterness, and anxiety frees locked up energy, making it available to your vitality. In this journey you will grow a toolkit to respond to your emotions and feelings, instead of storing them up.

Everything in life is feedback, and unless we acknowledge what our emotions are trying to tell us and give them a space, it’s difficult to understand the lessons we can take from our experiences. We end up carrying them around, buried inside of us, weighing us down, and colouring our world. The authentic you is buried underneath all of that destructive behaviour. Our focus will be anger and fear, but tools can also be used for other negative emotions such as grief and anxiety. This course will take you deeper, into creating a toolkit that you can integrate into your regular life to help you embrace that part of yourself, and allow everything to hang out. In order to recognize it, and release it. So you can be you, authentically. During and after this this course:

  • Learn meditations and practices to connect you more deeply into your inner world of emotions

  • Explore what stands in the way of your inner truth, power and authenticity

  • Meet your inner shadow, the dark unseen part of you, what you hide

  • Practice a healthier expression and release of your emotion through bodywork, movement, rituals, sounding, interacting with others

  • Learn what you do to repress and control

  • Explore your authentic voice

  • Use tools to acknowledge and express your inner YES and NO (boundaries)

  • Experience more freedom in your body

  • Feel lighter, like a heavy load has been lifted

What to expect? Meditations, visualisations, practices, rituals, movement, and dance inspired by Feminine Arts, Afro-Carib Healing Arts, Indigenous Rootwork, Breath work, Tao Tantric Arts, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, mindfulness, grounded within the healing & coaching work I do.

I will provide you with exercises, practices, information and rituals that you can use for your personal benefit, as a learning experience, to challenge yourself, and to step into more authentic and pleasurable states of being.

The Program Overview:


Overview - Week 1

Part 1 - Stepping into Safety - Pre-Meditation Practice

Part 2 - Conscious Emotional Intimacy

Part 3 - Inviting your Warrior

Part 4 - Dance it Out Practice


Overview- Week 2

Part 1 - Gainers & Drainers

Part 2 - Invoking the Deep Voice

Part 3 - Embodied Emotions Flow

Part 4 - Grief Relief


Overview- Week 3

Part 1 - Shake it Out

Part 2 - Get it all out Journaling Ritual


Overview- Week 4

Part 1 - The Release Kit

Part 2 - Softening the Emotional Storm

Part 3 - Healing breath of Light


Overview - Week 5

Part 1 - Eyes Wide Shut Shake

Part 2 - Womb as your guide

Part 3 - Intuitive Intimacy

What you need? A notebook / journal and pen. Soft, flowing clothing that are easy to move in, and make you feel softness – whatever that means to you. A scarf or sweater to keep warm.

For those joining the online experience, you will need a safe space where you won't be disturbed.

For those able to join the live retreat or masterclass - No specific experience is required, an attitude to be open to explore, and be conscientious respect for the journey of others.

See you soon.

One love,


PS. Still feeling unsure then add your details below and I will share my own personal journey with anger and why I do this with you + more juicy details.

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