Maybe I’m just not like you.
Reading and writing messages is something that happens in a space of feeling, listening to when and how I want to receive and respond. I don’t try to make it fit the constraints of time. The expected time, with so many strings, cultures, emotions attached. It’s not out of principle, it’s just me.
It bothers you because I don’t make time. It bothers me because I want to be present in time with it.
I used to feel that I just wasn’t any good at messages. But when the weight of expectations lifts, and the free flow is shining there, it just happens. When it happens.
Yes, I may go 2 months or more without responding. Yes, I may respond right away. And for me it doesn’t mean anything more than life is happening. Life is flowing and the time is right when it’s right.
Of course, we are surrounded by so many moments where that isn’t possible. We live in a world where I find so much of my contact is international and so depends on this virtual medium. So if you find yourself in the same country as me, I may have a tendency to wait till we meet. Till we connect with more than just a quick smiley. So soothing to some.
I am not here to force myself into a dynamic that feels unnatural to me because of insecurities or expectations in order to soothe. I am not here to school. I am not here to prove my love for you.
If you need me, tell me. Call or come over.
When I mention it, it is remembered. It is appreciated.
But yeah, maybe I’m just not like you.
You feel me?.
See you soon.
One love,

Photography @kyraskitchen
Juel helps women and non-binary queens re-connect with their inner source of power to create authentic and passionate lives. Creating transformational journeys back to essence.