I wrote this in my first year of motherhood.
Me. A few moments ago. Nursing my son. I have been exhausted the last days. Moon cycles with breastfeeding is draining, literally. Still recovering from my partner being gone for some weeks on travels, (respect to single mama's and all mama's everywhere). Many many teeth coming in at once equals one exhausted mama.
Yesterday I stayed for some minutes in silence after my weekly sister circle. Just allowing my exhaustion. I stayed in my body, in my silence. Feeling my being. No meaning, no intentions, no words. Just being. Through the exhaustion a reminder. I am, we all are, the molecules of heaven in this earthly body. Human form that gets tired. And it was enough to just experience that. Pure being. I am light. We are light. At the center of it all. Light.
See you soon.
One love,
Juel helps women and non-binary queens re-connect with their inner source of power to create authentic and passionate lives. Creating transformational journeys back to essence.